As someone who has been deeply involved in SEO and SEM since the mid-2000s, I have witnessed significant shifts in the landscape of online search. From the early days of keyword stuffing and link farms to the more sophisticated algorithms of today, the evolution has been nothing short of revolutionary. The latest breakthrough in this journey is the advent of Search GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer), developed by OpenAI, the same company behind the popular ChatGPT. This technology is poised to redefine how we search online, offering a more intuitive, personalized, and efficient search experience. Here are seven ways Search GPT is different and how it will transform online search.

1. Contextual Understanding

Traditional search engines rely heavily on keyword matching, often failing to grasp the context of a query. Search GPT, however, leverages advanced natural language processing (NLP) to understand the context behind the words. This means it can interpret the intent of a query more accurately, providing results that are more relevant to what the user is truly looking for.


  • Traditional Search: If you search for “apple,” the engine might give equal weight to results about the fruit and the tech company.
  • Search GPT: It understands whether you’re more likely asking about the fruit or the company based on additional context from your query.

2. Conversational Queries

One of the standout features of Search GPT is its ability to handle conversational queries. This means users can search using natural language, much like they would when speaking to another person. This shift from rigid keyword phrases to fluid, conversational sentences makes searching more intuitive and user-friendly.


  • Traditional Search: “Best pizza near me”
  • Search GPT: “Where can I find the best pizza in my area?”

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman highlighted this shift, stating on X, “We think there is room to make search much better than it is today.”

3. Personalization

Search GPT excels in personalization by learning from user interactions. It adapts to individual preferences and past behaviors, providing customized search results that align with the user’s specific needs and interests. This personalized approach ensures that users receive the most relevant information without having to sift through irrelevant results.


  • Traditional Search: Generic results for “news”
  • Search GPT: News articles tailored to your reading history and preferences.

4. Enhanced Content Generation

Search GPT doesn’t just find existing content; it can also generate new content. This is particularly useful for complex queries that don’t have straightforward answers. By synthesizing information from various sources, Search GPT can provide comprehensive and insightful responses, making it a valuable tool for research and learning.


  • Traditional Search: Lists of links for “how to build a website”
  • Search GPT: A detailed, step-by-step guide on building a website, generated on the fly.

5. Multimodal Search

Search GPT is designed to handle multimodal inputs, meaning it can process and integrate information from text, images, and even voice. This capability broadens the scope of search, allowing users to find information in the format that suits them best.


  • Traditional Search: Separate search engines for text, images, and voice.
  • Search GPT: Seamless integration of text, images, and voice in a single search interface.

6. Improved Accuracy and Relevance

The predictive models of Search GPT are continually trained on vast amounts of data, ensuring high accuracy and relevance in search results. Unlike traditional search engines that rely on pre-defined algorithms, Search GPT’s machine learning capabilities allow it to dynamically adjust and improve over time.


  • Traditional Search: Static search algorithm with periodic updates.
  • Search GPT: Continually evolving model that learns from each query and improves accuracy.
SearchGPT is already Geo-Locating You

SearchGPT is already Geo-Locating You

7. Interactivity and Engagement

Search GPT introduces a level of interactivity that traditional search engines lack. Users can engage in a back-and-forth dialogue, refining their queries and receiving more precise answers. This interactive nature makes the search process more engaging and productive.


  • Traditional Search: One-time query submission.
  • Search GPT: Ongoing conversation to refine search results.

Snippet Results

In my case, I have a travel advisor website that I help maintain SEO/SEM and her current snippets are being scrapped and combined to form SearchGPT snippets.

What to Know

Having been involved in SEO and SEM for nearly two decades, I’ve seen the search industry evolve in remarkable ways. Search GPT represents the next frontier, offering a more sophisticated, intuitive, and personalized search experience. By understanding context, supporting conversational queries, providing personalized results, generating content, handling multimodal inputs, improving accuracy, and fostering interactivity, Search GPT is set to change the way we search online. As this technology continues to develop, it will undoubtedly lead to a more efficient and user-centric online search landscape, benefiting users and businesses alike.

OpenAI’s commitment to working with publishers and reporters to keep journalism at the forefront of its efforts is another promising aspect. Nicholas Thompson, CEO of The Atlantic, emphasized the importance of building AI search technology that values and protects journalism. Search GPT aims to connect users with publishers by prominently citing and linking to them in searches, fostering a thriving ecosystem of publishers and creators.

While it remains to be seen whether Search GPT will surpass Google, its innovative approach to search is undoubtedly different and offers a glimpse into the future of online search.

About Me: I’ve helped hundreds…literally hundreds of small business, medium size businesses and worked for enterprise in my life when their staff screws up. Today I maintain a book of clients privately running their I.T. & Digital Marketing initiatives with the aim of growth.  I love working with small business and start-ups vs corporate/enterprise environments for personal reasons and have built a life that sustains that happily. Today, I can happily say I can cherry pick who I work with and I can tell you it’s not all about the money.

As someone who has been deeply involved in SEO and SEM since the mid-2000s, I have witnessed significant shifts in the landscape of online search. From the early days of keyword stuffing and link farms to the more sophisticated algorithms of today, the evolution has been nothing short of revolutionary. The latest breakthrough in this journey is the advent of Search GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer), developed by OpenAI, the same company behind the popular ChatGPT. This technology is poised to redefine how we search online, offering a more intuitive, personalized, and efficient search experience. Here are seven ways Search GPT is different and how it will transform online search.

1. Contextual Understanding

Traditional search engines rely heavily on keyword matching, often failing to grasp the context of a query. Search GPT, however, leverages advanced natural language processing (NLP) to understand the context behind the words. This means it can interpret the intent of a query more accurately, providing results that are more relevant to what the user is truly looking for.


  • Traditional Search: If you search for “apple,” the engine might give equal weight to results about the fruit and the tech company.
  • Search GPT: It understands whether you’re more likely asking about the fruit or the company based on additional context from your query.

2. Conversational Queries

One of the standout features of Search GPT is its ability to handle conversational queries. This means users can search using natural language, much like they would when speaking to another person. This shift from rigid keyword phrases to fluid, conversational sentences makes searching more intuitive and user-friendly.


  • Traditional Search: “Best pizza near me”
  • Search GPT: “Where can I find the best pizza in my area?”

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman highlighted this shift, stating on X, “We think there is room to make search much better than it is today.”

3. Personalization

Search GPT excels in personalization by learning from user interactions. It adapts to individual preferences and past behaviors, providing customized search results that align with the user’s specific needs and interests. This personalized approach ensures that users receive the most relevant information without having to sift through irrelevant results.


  • Traditional Search: Generic results for “news”
  • Search GPT: News articles tailored to your reading history and preferences.

4. Enhanced Content Generation

Search GPT doesn’t just find existing content; it can also generate new content. This is particularly useful for complex queries that don’t have straightforward answers. By synthesizing information from various sources, Search GPT can provide comprehensive and insightful responses, making it a valuable tool for research and learning.


  • Traditional Search: Lists of links for “how to build a website”
  • Search GPT: A detailed, step-by-step guide on building a website, generated on the fly.

5. Multimodal Search

Search GPT is designed to handle multimodal inputs, meaning it can process and integrate information from text, images, and even voice. This capability broadens the scope of search, allowing users to find information in the format that suits them best.


  • Traditional Search: Separate search engines for text, images, and voice.
  • Search GPT: Seamless integration of text, images, and voice in a single search interface.

6. Improved Accuracy and Relevance

The predictive models of Search GPT are continually trained on vast amounts of data, ensuring high accuracy and relevance in search results. Unlike traditional search engines that rely on pre-defined algorithms, Search GPT’s machine learning capabilities allow it to dynamically adjust and improve over time.


  • Traditional Search: Static search algorithm with periodic updates.
  • Search GPT: Continually evolving model that learns from each query and improves accuracy.
SearchGPT is already Geo-Locating You

SearchGPT is already Geo-Locating You

7. Interactivity and Engagement

Search GPT introduces a level of interactivity that traditional search engines lack. Users can engage in a back-and-forth dialogue, refining their queries and receiving more precise answers. This interactive nature makes the search process more engaging and productive.


  • Traditional Search: One-time query submission.
  • Search GPT: Ongoing conversation to refine search results.

Snippet Results

In my case, I have a travel advisor website that I help maintain SEO/SEM and her current snippets are being scrapped and combined to form SearchGPT snippets.

What to Know

Having been involved in SEO and SEM for nearly two decades, I’ve seen the search industry evolve in remarkable ways. Search GPT represents the next frontier, offering a more sophisticated, intuitive, and personalized search experience. By understanding context, supporting conversational queries, providing personalized results, generating content, handling multimodal inputs, improving accuracy, and fostering interactivity, Search GPT is set to change the way we search online. As this technology continues to develop, it will undoubtedly lead to a more efficient and user-centric online search landscape, benefiting users and businesses alike.

OpenAI’s commitment to working with publishers and reporters to keep journalism at the forefront of its efforts is another promising aspect. Nicholas Thompson, CEO of The Atlantic, emphasized the importance of building AI search technology that values and protects journalism. Search GPT aims to connect users with publishers by prominently citing and linking to them in searches, fostering a thriving ecosystem of publishers and creators.

While it remains to be seen whether Search GPT will surpass Google, its innovative approach to search is undoubtedly different and offers a glimpse into the future of online search.

About Me: I’ve helped hundreds…literally hundreds of small business, medium size businesses and worked for enterprise in my life when their staff screws up. Today I maintain a book of clients privately running their I.T. & Digital Marketing initiatives with the aim of growth.  I love working with small business and start-ups vs corporate/enterprise environments for personal reasons and have built a life that sustains that happily. Today, I can happily say I can cherry pick who I work with and I can tell you it’s not all about the money.